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Whey ProteinUpdated 10 months ago

What is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a high-quality protein powder derived from cow’s milk. Whey is one of the extracted proteins from milk during the cheese-making process, the other being casein. Of the two, whey protein is more easily digested, thus, absorbed faster by the body. Whey is a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids required by the human body in amounts proportional to the body’s protein synthetic requirements.


Is the whey sourced from grass-fed cows?

Yes! We are dedicated to sourcing dairy products from suppliers who have a standard practice of primarily pasturing cows used for the collection of bovine milk. The percentage of time the cows have available to pasture may vary due to differences in climate, milk cycles and seasonal availability of acceptable pasture.


How does whey protein compare to other types of protein?

Protein foods are not equal and can vary in several ways: Taste, digestion and absorption rates, protein content, fat content, carb content and the number and quantity of essential amino acids.

Whey protein is a high-quality complete protein with rich amounts of all the essential amino acids. The biological value of whey protein is one of the highest when compared to other proteins. For example, Whey protein has a biological value of 104 compared to eggs which have a value of 100. Biological value is the measurement of protein quality that expresses how efficiently our bodies use that protein source.

Check out our product comparison page for more information about the differences in protein sources as well as our products.


Is whey suitable for vegetarians?


It sure is! Our LEANFIT® whey products are an excellent choice for vegetarians who include dairy products in their diet.


Is whey protein easy to digest?


Yes, whey protein is soluble and easy to digest. It is quickly absorbed by the body to provide the important essential amino acids needed to nourish the muscles and other body tissues. LEANFIT® Whey products also contains enzymes to assist the body in breaking down the protein for optimum absorption.


Do you have other whey options, not sweetened with stevia?


We love stevia because it is plant-based and natural. However, if you can taste the stevia, we recommend adding a squirt of lemon juice to your shake or smoothie to balance out the sweetness. Still not a fan? No problem! We have an unflavoured version of our LEANFIT ORGANIC PLANT-BASED protein.


I’m lactose sensitive, can I enjoy whey protein powder?


If you have lactose sensitivities, we would suggest trying our new SPORT WHEY ISOLATES in either chocolate or vanilla as they are naturally low in lactose due to our filtration process that leaves trace amounts of lactose. If that doesn't work for you, than we have some incredible plant-based protein options as well!




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